A somewhat abbreviated version of events in the Cormarian Campaign, as recounted by Matt Harris, the Dungeon Master.
Medrinsday, Evron 4, Year 1103
Official start of the campaign. The party consists of the following characters:
After a brief visit to the Sunset Villa Inn, where the party chat with the night manager, Basil, and a visit to see Crazy Oddrick, the parties decides to set out immediately for Ardivan's Keep, two days to the west.
The trip during the day was uneventful. The party attempted to hunt some quayle, but without success. Quote of the day, said by Simon to Pringle, "I wouldn't fret, my little orcish flower."
Zamaksday, Evron 5, Year 1103
The party arrives at Ardivan's Keep at dusk. They decide to wait until morning to enter. The area around the keep seems unnaturally quiet, which Pringle Hester finds soothing, but unnerves Fellwyr.
Demarasday, Evron 6, Year 1103
Around 8:30 AM, the party decides to enter the keep. Fellwyr is attacked by a large, monstrous spider as they enter, but it swiftly dispatched. Upon entering the second level of the northeast tower, Pringle is surprised by two stirges, which wound him badly (draining 7 points of Con.) The party slays one of the stirges, but the other makes good its escape.
By 11:30 AM, the party has searched the entire upper level of the keep. They have found the body a kobold, dead of unknown causes. The kobold was wearing a tunic with an unusual sun symbol upon the front. The party has looted 2 pieces of amber from the eyes of a stuffed lion, but otherwise has found little in the way of treasure. The head through a secret door down a long flight of stairs into a dungeon complex.
By 1:30 PM, the party has searched a great deal of the dungeon level they found. They have found the journals of Selmik Ardivan, which describe a vast undergound tunnel complex beneath his keep. The session ends with the party outside the door of a room guarded by 8 skeletons.
Considering the wounds the Pringle has received, the party decides it is best to return to town and heal up before tackling the undead. During the night, Pringle has disturbing dreams about large flying birds that try to suck out his soul. Occasionally, he screams "the birds, the birds!" or "Daddy!" in his sleep.
Romsday, Evron 7, Year 1103
The party continues their journey back to Westlake. Both Simon and Fellwyr are tired, as their rest was disturbed by Pringle's nightmares. Pringle himself is incredibly jumpy and nervous, twitching at the slightest noise.
Other than Pringle becoming increasingly nervous and irritating, the day's journey is uneventful.
Haradsay, Evron 8, Year 1103
Simon, Fellwyr and Pringle arrive back at Westlake by midday. Upon seeing the town, Pringle falls to his kneews, wraps himself in his arms and begins to cry violently. Simon and Fellwyr eventually manage to cajole him into continuing and they head to the Church of the Threefold Way.
Lorien, the Priestess at the church tells the party that Pringle has suffered a complete nervous breakdown and that he should be taken home. Simon and Fellwyr have a contest to see which of them has the honor of escorting Pringle back to his hometown. Simon loses and he and Pringle prepare to leave town when they run into another group of adventurers arriving in town from Freehaven.
The new group of adventurers had seen a message Pringle had left on the notice board in Freehaven and were hastening to join the current party. The new members are:
After Jeroen diagnoses Pringle, Simon and Pringle leave town. Fellwyr takes the new members of the group to Oddrick's to purchase provisions and then they head to The Sunset Villa to grab a spot on the common room floor for the night.
Arratsday, Evron 9, Year 1103
The party sets out to return to Ardivan Keep. Progess is somewhat slower than the previous trip, as certain members are more heavily laden. The day is uneventful.
Tamorsday, Evron 10, Year 1103
The party resumes is journey in the early morning. Nothing much happens on the trip until right before noon, when a mad wolf leaps out of a copse of trees to the north and west of the party and charges them.
Before the wolf can reach the party, Fellwyr nocks an arrow and puts in through the wolf's right eye, killing it instantly (Critical Hit - 21 points of damage). Jeroen examines the wolf and hypothesizes that it was not rapid, but rather under the influence of Crazy Moss, a lichen that induces symptoms similar to rabies. Jeroen then inexpertly skins the wolf. When they camp for the night, Jeroen hangs the skin from a tree away from the party, due to it beginning to smell.
Medrinsday, Evron 11, Year 1103
When they wake up in the morning, the party discovers the wolf pelt is gone. Only a few scraps remain. They surmise some predator must have made off with it in the night.
The party arrives at the keep at noon. They encounter 3 ur-goblins arguing over whether or not the keep is cursed. One ur-goblin is trying to convince the other two that it isn't based upon the fact he saw 3 humans leaving the keep just a few days ago. The party shoots this ur-goblin while he is in the middle of making his case, and then procedes to rapidly dispatch the other two.
The ur-goblins turn out not to have much loot - only their weapons (a total of 3 falchions and six daggers)and 3 pouches, each with 20 gp in them. While attempting to revive an ur-goblin for "questioning", Jeroen retrieves its pouch prior to the party knowing of its existance, so the party only adds 40 gp to its treasury
Fellwyr leads the party on a tour of the areas that had already been explored. They finish exploring the cellars (with the exception of the room with the skeletons). They find the skeleton of a large humanoid in a small cell manacled to the wall. They also located a secret door in a room containing lots of archaelogical and digging equipment. The party deduces that this is the secret door mentioned in Selmik Ardivan's second-to-last journal entry.
When the go through the door, they see it leads to a passage west which in turns leads to a room containing a ciruclar stairway heading downwards. Both the passageway and stairway room seem to have been carved out of the bedrock - the stonework is totally smooth and there are no toolmarks.
The party decides to clean out the skeleton room. Aelwyn is badly wounded (he takes four points of damage, leaving him with one), but the rest of the party only suffers minor wounds in dispatched the skeletons.
In searching the chamber, the party finds a secret door in the west wall of the room. Opening the door, they see a small room with three locked, iron-bound chests. Ilcon attempts to search the chests for traps, and finds out the hard way that the middle chest has an arrow trap on it. Jeroen bandages Ilcon and they attempt to pick the locks on the chest. Neither is successful and more creative/destructive methods are used.
Between them, the chests have a total of 5000 silver pieces, 5000 copper pieces, 1000 gold pieces and 100 platinum pieces. Overjoyed at their find, the party decides to camp for the night and head back to Westlake in the morning.
Zamaksday, Evron 12, Year 1103
After spending an eventless night in the main entry chamber in the cellars, the party leaves for Westlake at first light, moving a considerably slower, due to the burden of their new-found wealth.
Romsday, Evron 14, Year 1103
The party returns to Westlake without incident. They visit Oddrick, dispose of the their swag and make some purchases.
Romsday, Evron 14, Year 1103
After making their purchases at Oddrick's, the party is joined by Elkin, a Dwarven Cleric of Romath. He had apparently seen Pringle's old notice on the Freehaven Adventurer's Guild Bulletin Board and hastened to catch up with the party.
Late in the day, Aelwyn comes with a stomach bug and spends most of the evening in a room at the Sunset Villa, emptying the contents of his stomach.
Haradsday, Evron 15, Year 1103
The party decides to head back to Ardivan's Keep, leaving Aelwyn behind, as he is still not filling well. Basil, the night manager, at the sunset villa provides Aelwyn with some herbal tea, though, that perks him right up. He hastens to catch up with the group and rejoins them about midday.
Shortly after noon, there is an argument between the human ranger and the dwarven cleric about the weather - Ilcon says the gathering clouds will pass without more than a few sprinkles. Elkin states that there will be heavy rain. By 4 o'clock, it is clear the dwarf is right, as there is a torrential downpour. The party searches for shelter, and manages to fashion a makeshift canopy under a small copse of trees. They light a small fire and start to dry out.
While the rest of the party is sensibly staying out of the rain, Ilcon heads to the river to do some fishing - gear and bait (leeches) provided by the ever-resourceful Jeroen. Over the course of an hour and a half, Ilcon manages to catch two very large trout, while becoming soaking wet and heavily chilled. He returns to the camp and the group has roast trout for supper. The party sets up watch and turns in for the night. The downpour continues.
Arratsday, Evron 16, Year 1103
The rains stops shortly after midnight. In the middle of the night (about 2 AM), while Jeroen and Aelwyn are on watch, there is a sudden flash of lightning and crack of thunder. The lighning strikes a bush more than 40 feet from the party which bursts into flame. Moments later, Jeroen and Aelwyn are attacked by two small masses of air (air elementals. The rest of the party wakes up and the elementals are swiftly dispatche, but not before Jeroen and Aelwyn are badly injured. Elkin patches up the Jeroen, while Aelwyn uses some healing salve to repair himself. Aelwyn hypothosizes that the lightning strike opened a temporary rift to the Elemental Plane of Air. Fellwyr falls into a trance and the rest of the party goes back to sleep.
The bush, being very wet doesn't burn for long. Aelwyn grabs an unburned branch and he and Jeroen return to their watch. The rest of the night is uneventful.
The party breaks camp shortly after dawn, and heads on the keep. Despite the muddy game trail, they make excellent time and reach Ardivan's Keep by dusk. The party decides to make camp in the entryroom in the cellars, voting down Jeroen's suggestion of camping in the library.
Tamorsday, Evron 17, Year 1103
The party gets up early, ready to explore the area behind the secret passage on the northwest side of the cellar, when Jeroen decides to become a chimneysweep. He climbs up the chimney in the library, clearing it out for later use. Unfortunately, he loses his footing and falls, twisting his ankle (5 hit points of damage). In addition to having a severe limp, he his completely covered in soot. Aelwyn escorts Jeroen back to the moat, where he spends about 15' getting clean. While Jeroen is bathing, the rest of the party waits rather impatiently in the entry chamber where they camped.
After Jeroen's bath in the freezing waters of the river, he and Aelwyn rejoin the party and they head through the secret door, once again marvelling at the way the tunnel is smoothly carved out of the granite, without any markings showing the work of tools.
The party descends the circular staircase. It is a steep descent and seems to go down about 60 feet, through four spirals It opens into a bare room carved out of granite. Fellwyr notices on the west wall, near the ceiling, some sort of mark engraved into the wall. The mark looks vaguely like an upside-down S laid on its back.
Leaving the room, the party comes across an octagonal room made out of black stone. It is very cold, and the walls seem to drink in the light. They decide instead to check out a passageway going east they had discovered, before entering the room.
The eastern passageway led to a room with water condensing on the walls and about an inch of water on the floor. They go through the room and down a western passageway that dead ends. On the wall they see a 4 foot high ovoid protusion with two discolored ovals two-thirds of the way up, which looks something like a face.
Ilcon decides to touch the face, and he fills a rush of energy flowing through his arm. He suddenly feels more agile (+2 bonus to Dexterity). Aelwyn casts Detect Magic and learns that the face has faint aura of magic, like nothing he has ever seen before. The aura seems to switch between types of magic randomly, faster than he can follow. He takes a chance and touches the face himself. Aelwyn feels a chill as his fringers brush the face, and some of his vitality seems to leave him. (1 point of damage). While not cold, his fingers seems like they have suffered frostbite damage.
Fellwyr like touches the face with his rapier and feels a flow of warm energy surging through his body, energizing him and making him feel powerfull (+2 bonus to Strength). Elkin and the injured Jeroen decide to pass on touching the stone face.
The party returns to the black ocatagon room and rushes through to the north door. They see a passage going north, ending in a door, but the way is completely blocked by an 80' deep pit. They lower the halfling on a rope, but find only some animal bones and broken wood inside, along with some refuse that make them think the pit was used a privy a couple of times in the past.
The party go out the southwest door and end up in a long room with two colonnades of pillars. Two zombies materialize in the room and attacked the party. The party destroys them, but not without being injured.
The party go through a series of rooms and end up turning two different sets of six skeletons and fighting running battles with them. Elkin had attempted to destroy one of the sets of skeletons by invoking the Sun Power of Romath, but the god did not answer.
The party also fights an additional two zombies, which turn out to be guarding a set of masterwork chain mail, a masterwork long sword and 4 pieces of amber, which they appraise at being worth 100 gp each. Jeroen sets off a gas trap while examining the masterwork equipment. Ilcon disables the trap guarding the pieces of amber.
During the second running battle with skeletons, Fellwyr's keen elvish senses detect a secret door. After dispatching the undead, the party went through the door and came across a ten by twenty foot room, that looks like the others in the dungeon, except the east wall seems to be made of of black, uncut natural stone. Translucent stones embedded in it the east wall glint pinkly under the light of the party's lamp. Examining the stones, Jeroen thinks that they are rose quartz, and would be worth about 50 gp each. There are 18 stones embedded in the wall.
The party determines that they have no relevant skills for extracting the stones, so they decided to go with natural ability (Fellwyr has a Dexterity of 18). Fellwyr manages to extract 13 of the crystals intact, while destroying 5 others in his untutored attempts to pry them from the rock wall.
The party decides they need to restore and refresh themselves. Despite it being only about noon, they return to the chamber in the cellars that they have made into there base camp and hole up.
Medrinsday, Evron 18, Year 1103
The party decides to return to Westlake and mull over all that they have experienced.
Medrinsday, Evron 18, Year 1103
The party sets out early in the morning to return to Westlake. Fellwyr feels kind of weak and Ilcon feels kind of slow and sluggish. Apparently, whatever the stone face did to them was temporary.
As the day wears on the exertions of the past few days plus the inclement weather earlier in the week take their toll on the party as everyone but Fellwyr comes down with a cold. Game Note: Fellwyr was the only one to make a Fortitude Save - DC 12, DC 15 for Ilcon due to his longer exposure to the freezing rain.
Zamaksday, Evron 19, Year 1103
It is late at night. Fellwyr is on watch when he hears a noise in the bushes. Quickly rousing the rest of the party, who are feeling worse than ever, Fellwyr then investigates the noise. It turns out merely to be a fox. Fellwyr shoots the fox, butchers the corpse and roasts the meat to eat in the morning.
After waking and dining on roast fox, the party breaks camp. Fellwyr is feeling quite chipper while the rest of the party is suffering from congestion, fever, lethargy and a great many aches and pains. Game Note: All the cold sufferers have the fatigued condition.
Demarasday, Evron 20, Year 1103
Other than their illnesses, today's journey is uneventful. The party returns to Westlake around 4:00 PM. The party obtains rooms at the Sunset Villa, Fellwyr making sure he gets a private room. The sick party members head to their room. Fellwyr heads to Oddrick's to place and order for a masterwork spiked chain and to see what would be available for crossing the deep pit the party discovered blocking their way in Ardivan's Keep.
Turns out Oddrick had a masterwork spiked chain tucked away in a pile of odds and ends. It turns out the the masterwork rapier Fellwyr had ordered has arrived, so he purchases that as well. Oddrick recommends a couple of bundles of spider poles for crossing the pit, but they seem rather pricy.
Romsday, Evron 21, Year 1103
After discussing whether of not to purchase the spider poles, the party comes to the consensus to simply buy some planks and nails and simply use those to cross the pit. Fellwyr heads back to Oddricks to see if he can dispose of their loot and to make the appropriate purchases, while the rest of the party heads back to their sickbeds. Ilcon chose to keep the masterwork longsword as part of his share, so Fellwyr disposes of:
Oddrick gives the option of purchasing the items for cash or for store credit. In order to avoid carrying around a bundle of gold, Fellwyr opts for store credit and opens accounts for each of the party members.
After purchasing the boards and nails, Fellwyr heads to a livery stable which Oddrick recommends to him, hoping to purchase a mule or donkey. The stable does have a young mule for sale and Fellwyr writes a note against their accounts at Oddrick's to purchase it and appropriate gear. The livery stable agrees to board the mule until the party comes to pick him up.
Demarasday, Evron 27, Year 1103
The party has finally recovered from their illnesses and prepares to return to Ardivan's Keep. Aelwyn decides to remain behind to scribe some scrolls while Jeroen wants to look into setting up a practice in town. Game Note: Aelwyn's player John was a no-show, while Jeroen's player was unable to attend due to back problems, so I took their characters out of the adventure. Fellwyr and Ilcon have leveled up since the last adventure. The party now contains:
The party replenishes their provisions at Oddrick's and then sets out to Ardivan's Keep. They make good time during an otherwise uneventful day.
Romsday, Evron 28, Year 1103
During the last watch (Elkin's), the party is ambushed by a party of four ur-goblins. Elkin is badly wounded by an ur-goblin javelin, but his cry of pain wakes the rest of the party. After a vicious fight, wherein the other members of the party are badly wounded, the ur-goblins are slain. The ur-goblin bodies are removed of their valuables (4 falchions). Afterwards, they are weighted down and dumped in the river.
The party decides to press on. They arrive at the Keep late in the day and decide to hole up in the square tower for the night.
Haradsday, Evron 29, Year 1103
Elkin heals the party members' wounds, but that uses up his spells for a day. The party decides to spend another day in the tower before heading below. Ilcon heads out to do some hunting. He encounters a group of ten ur-goblins heading west, but they don't seem to see him. After a while, Ilcon resumes hunting and bags a small fawn, which he butchers and takes back to the tower.
Arratsday, Evron 30, Year 1103
Sufficiently recovered, the party heads down into the depths. They build their plank bridge and lay it across the pit. They cross the pit, leaving the mule behind in the entry chamber to this level.
Once across the pit, the party heads through the opposite door, entering a small room. There is are messages on the north wall, written in dozens of languages. In the languages the party can read, they all say, "Warning - Danger lies ahead! Go back!". The party ignores the warnings and heads through a door on the north wall.
The party follows a tunnel north, ending in a door. Ilcon listens at the door and determines that there appears to be a battle on the other side. The party decides to wait it out. All of a sudden, the noise ceases and the door is thrown open. The party is attacked by a group of 4 kobolds and 4 goblins.
The party dispatches their foes, except for a single kobold who runs off to the west. Following the kobold, the party runs into another eight kobolds, which they proceed to slaughter. The kobolds appeared to be guarding a door which is barred on the far side. After bashing through the door, the party encounters 16 more kobolds, led by kobold wearing a breastplate and using a human-sized short spear two-handed. The breastplate has some sort of sun symbol on it.
After a very difficult fight, the party kills the kobolds. Fellwyr loots the body of the kobold leader, which in addition to the spear (which is masterwork) and the breastplate, carried 50 gold pieces in a belt pouch. The party then decides to retreat before more kobolds arrive. They return to the tower room.
Tamorsday, Galeria 1, Year 1103
Rested and refreshed, the party returns to the kobold area, but there are no kobolds left. The bodies also appear to be gone. They do find four amethysts, which Ilcon appraises at about 100 gp each and a white fur which they think is worth about 25 gp. The party searches a cave with a pond. In a different cave they encounter six orangish beetles that are about 2½ feet long. The beetles have glowing reddish orbs above their eyes.
The party cuts out the glowing orbs after killing the beetles and then resumes exploring. They come to a natural stone passage which heads northwest and slopes downward.
In attendance:
Tamorsday, Galeria 1, Year 1103
Rather than heading down the sloping passage to the northwest, the party decides to return to Westlake to resupply and reprovision themselves. Fellwyr is feeling listless and unmotivated, as if his animating spirit is absent. Despite that, the party makes good time travelling during the day.
Medrinsday, Galeria 2, Year 1103
Around midday, the party comes across a brown bear fishing in the river. Ilcon manages to keep the bear calm as the party scoots on by. The party makes excellent time and arrives in Westlake just past dusk. Aelwyn is at the inn, going over a set of figures. Jeroen, unfortuntely, has had a small mishap regarding a pulled tooth and is currently in the town lockup.
The party discusses the division of the loot. Elkin says he wants the short spear as his share and Ilcon agrees with this, while Fellwyr listlessly nodds his assent.
Zamaksday, Galeria 3, Year 1103
Aelwyn casts Detect Magic on the loot the party brought back, after Ilcon notices 3 very tiny runes engraved on the spear. The spear is indeed magical and Elkin asks Aelwyn if Aelwyn would cast Identify on the spear. Aelwyn agrees, provided that Elkin provides the material component - a flawless pearl.
Madame Marge, the inkeeper, notifies Fellwyr that a letter has arrived for him during his absence. Fellwyr reads the letter and then informs the party that he will be absent for a while, probably several weeks. Fellwyr asks Ilcon to dispose of the swag and to put his share on account at Oddrick's. He packs his things, and takes off, obviously distracted by what he has read.
Ilcon and Elkin head over to Oddrick's. Ilcon sells all of the booty they have found, with the exception of the short spear. The pile comes to a value of 725 gold pieces, which Ilcon has Oddrick split between Ilcon's and Fellwyr's account. Ilcon purchase an extra-strong longbow and Elkin purchases a flawless pearl from Oddrick. Game Note: A +2 Strength Mighty Composite Long Bow and a 100 gold piece pearl. They also replenish their more mundane supplies.
When the group returns to the inn, Aelwyn discusses the possibility of setting up a more permanent base at Ardivan's Keep with the rest of the group. They decide against it for now, but decide to spend some time in town now. Aelwyn discusses with Madame Marge the possibility of hiring a valet/manservant/fetch-and-carry boy to work for him while he is in town. Madame Marge says that she will put out a few feelers for him.
Demarasday, Galeria 4, Year 1103
Aelwyn casts Identify on the short spear, and notes that it has a minor enchantment making it more likely to strike a foe in a vital area. Game Note: It is a Short Spear +1. While he is doing that, two likely lads show up, to apply for the position of valet.
Both boys are 12 years of age. Jared is a tallish red-head with perhaps a little too much energy and initiative and too little attentiveness. Miklos is a much shorter, brown-haired lad, who is rather stout. While more attentive than Jared, he lacks Jared's energy.
After putting the boys through a battery of weird tests involving stuff like juggling, memorizing randoms sentences and juggling while memorizing randoms sentences, Aelwyn is unable to make up his mind which boy he prefers, so he decides to hire both of them.
Romsday, Galeria 5, Year 1103
Aelwyn settles down at the inn for the week, busily scribing scrolls. Ilcon sets out on a solo hunting/camping expedition, to hone is skills and maybe rustle up some meat and hides to sell. Elkin decides to spend his time socializing. After a failed attempt to meet with the local priestess of Tamor, he heads to the town tavern, The Drunken Ox, where he finds the local beer to be most agreeable and quite pleasant company. Elkin also socializes a bit with the tavern's clientelle, who have a slightly warped view of dwarves, due to their association with "Crazy" Oddrick Forkbeard.
Arratsday, Galeria 9, Year 1103
After a rather successful four-day hunting trip, Ilcon returns to town on the fifth day and sells his kills at the town market. Aelwyn is still hunched over his scrolls, scribbling away, so Ilcon joins Elkin at the tavern, where Elkin has become something of a regular.
Demarasday, Galeria 11, Year 1103
Aelwyn has finally finished scribing his scrolls so the group decides to return to Ardivan's Keep the next morning.
Romsday, Galeria 12, Year 1103
The party sets out westward shortly after the crack of dawn. They see the brown bear they had encountered earlier at a distance, but nothing else of note happens.
Haradsay, Galeria 13, Year 1103
The party arrives at the keep at around 3:00 PM. As they pass through the entrance, a 2½ long spider drops onto Ilcon's neck and bites him. Ilcon proves resistant to the spider's venom and the party quickly dispatches it.
The party heads into the dungeons below to check out the status of their plank bridge. Along the way, they detour by the stone face on the first dungeon level. Ilcon touches it and is filled with surge of positive thoughts and feelings. Aelwyn touches it and is overcome with feelings of terror and despair. Game Note: The stone granted a +2 morale bonus to Attack for Ilcon and a -2 morale penalty to Attack for Aelwyn.
Despites Aelwyn's tremulous warnings, the party heads over to the pit. They discover that the planks have fallen/been knocked into the pit. After much debate, they decide to look through the keep for some replacement material to build a new bridge. Eventually they end up dragging one of the banquet tables from Keep level down to pit, but do not bridge it at this time. After doing that, they head up to the square tower room in the keep to rest for the night.
Arratsday, Galeria 14, Year 1103
In the morning, the party heads back down to the pit. With the use of some rope, a piton and Paeder the Mule, they manage to bridge the chasm with the table-top. They head back into the large 50'x50' room and ponder their options. The party decides not to go down the northwest passage just yet and instead follow the natural passageway east.
The passageway east lead to a goblin lair, where they encounter four goblins. The party is surprised by the goblins, one of whom blows a horn. A vicious battle ensues - about 10 seconds after the horn is blown, a dozen more goblins attack from a chamber to the east and a larger goblin wielding a spiked chain attacks from a passage to the north. Ilcon takes a grievous wound and is dazed (Game Note: He was knocked down to 0 hit points), but Elkin managed to heal Ilcon. Ilcon then proceeded to kill the goblin chieftain with a single blow (Game Note: Ilcon rolled a critical hit for 17 points of damage).
The battle lasts nearly a minute and a half. Game Note: it lasts 14 rounds. The party proceeds north, systematically looting the goblins lair. When they come to a southern chamber, they find it abandoned with a cookpot still over a small fire and deduce that some goblins must have bypassed them and escaped while they were searching. Ilcon tracks the goblins and sees the footprints head back into the main 50'x50' room and down the northwest passage. Figuring discretion is the better part of valour, they decide not to follow and gather their loot, heading back up to the square tower. They pull the table-top away from the pit and leave it in the stairwell room leading up to the cellars.
The loot received from the goblins:
Tamorsday, Galeria 15, Year 1103
The party passes an uneventful night in the square tower.
In attendance:
Medrinsday, Galeria 16, Year 1103
The party decides it was once again time to return to Westlake. They leave the keep and head back east along the river. Nothing eventful happens during the day or night.
Zamaksday, Galeria 17, Year 1103
Nothing of note happens during the day's journey or the night.
Demarasday, Galeria 18, Year 1103
The party arrives back at town after the most uneventful journey they have yet experienced. Alewyn decides to remain in town to scribe a few more scrolls. Jeroen Pratt is released from jail, with a stern warning not to practice dentistry in Westlake anymore. Fellwyr still has not returned from his mysterious journey.
Elkin takes care of the sale of loot this time. Jeroen picks up his riding dog. The dog is a large, powerfully built mongrel...he looks to be part Great Dane and maybe some sort of mastiff. In a fit of whimsy, Jeroen names his dog, "Kitty".
Romsday, Galeria 19, Year 1103
Jeroen, Elkin and Ilcon (DM Note: Due to the shortage of PCs, I kept Ilcon with the party as a NPC for this session) head back to the Keep. The travel the day and make camp for the night, which passes uneventfully.
Haradsday, Galeria 20, Year 1103
About 2 P.M., the group runs spots a party of four ur-goblins in the distance. The ur-goblins don't seem to notice the party, so Ilcon and Jeroen spread out, attempting to sneak up on the ur-goblins. Elkin remains behind to attract the ur-goblins attention. The assumption is that they will pass by the hidden Ilcon and Jeroen and be attacked from behind.
Unfortunately for the party, the ur-goblins spot Ilcon. They swarm him and one critically hits him, knocking him down. Jeroen manages to Sneak attack one of the ur-goblins and take it out.
After a short but vicious battle, the party manages to defeat the ur-goblins, but Elkin is seriously wounded, in addition to Ilcon. They decide to press on the Ardivan's Keep and recuperate there. The ur-goblins had little loot:
The party arrives at the keep around 4 P.M. and holes up in the ground floor room in the square tower.
Arratsday, Galeria 21, Year 1103
The party spends the entire day recovering from their ur-goblin encounter.
Tamorsday, Galeria 22, Year 1103
The party heads down to the level below the cellars. Using their makeshift bridge, they pass over the deep pit and into the large 50' x 50' room. After some discussion, they decide not to go down the natural passageway to the northwest. Instead they decide to explore beyond the northern door.
They find a passageway north beyond the door, which abruptly turns east. The passageway ends in a small 20' x 30' room, with a large crystalline statue barring a door on the east wall. After much debate, the party enters the room, whereupon the crystal statue moves to attack them. To the party's dismay, their ordinary weapons seem to have no effect on the statue.
Luckily for everyone, Elkin's magic spear seems to affect the crystal statue and he manages to dispatch it. The go through the door it was guarding, which turns out to lead to a passageway going north, then west.
The passageway ends in a small room, with a stairway heading down to the north at a 45-degree angle. The group decides to go down the stairway, which proceeds for 200' to the north and 200' down.
The party only does a little exploring on this level, bypassing a ceiling trap and then encountering yet more ur-goblins. After another furious battle, the group is once again victorious but badly wounded and decides again to head up to the square tower to hole up. Ilcon does surmise, from their gear, etc. that these ur-goblins are not related to the ones the party has been encountering on the surface.
In attendance:
Tamorsday, Galeria 22, Year 1103
The party decides to return to Westlake and heads out. Fellwyr returns from his mysterious trip.
Demarasday, Galeria 25, Year 1103
For once, the party has an uneventful trip from the Keep. They arrive in Westlake around noon, and meet up with Fellwyr. The group disposes of their loot, while Fellwyr tells them of his trip. Apparently, his great-uncle, a retired adventurer had died. Fellwyr had traveled to the memorial service, where he found out that his great-uncle had left him some sort of map. The map is written in goblin, in some sort of code.
With a little work, Aelwyn and Jeroen decipher the map. It apparently shows the location of the lair of Gurul-Ethek, an infamous hobgoblin bandit chieftain who looted the western lands during the time of the dragon Cyndriarr. Reputed to be a necromancer, Gurul-Ethek disappeared from public knowledge about a hundred years before the coming of Erevan Domas. Rumor has it that he had vast treasure built up from his years of pillaging.
Arratsday, Galeria 28, Year 1103
The party sets out to return to the keep. The trip is swift and unenventful.
Medrinsday, Galeria 30, Year 1103
The party arrives at the keep about 3 hours after dawn. The head down into the dungeons, deciding to explore the natural passageway that they believed the goblin females and children fled down.
They follow the passageway down and it leads into a large natural cavern, far larger than they can see. There are many stalagmites and stalactites all over the cavern. There are fine greenish crystals, most no larger than a grain of sand, embedded in the rock. The crystals emit a slight glow, giving visibility of about 5 feet. The floor of the cave is very rough, and covered with a dense blanket of fungal stalks varying from 6" to 18" in height. In the distance they hear the sound of rushing water.
The party decides to follow along the eastern wall to attempt to map out the cavern. They are ambushed by an invisible creature (DM Note: A phantom fungus), but manage to kill it fairly easily. They come across a large pile of animal bones in one area. They examine the bones and determine that they are from some sort of cow-like creatures. There are a lot of bones, and are somewhat puzzled as they determine that the creatures did not die a violent death
After travelling about a thousand or so feet, they see that the cavern is bisected by an underground river.
There is a natural bridge across the river, but the party hesitates as they see two large, 3' long whitish frogs/toads underneath it. The party shoots at them and drives them off. They cross the bridge into the north half of the cavern.
Continuing to follow the wall, they wander into a couple of giant centipedes (6' long, 1' wide) and are briefly delayed by fighting them, but the party dispatches the centipedes with no great difficulties.
As the party nears the southwest corner of the cavern, they run across the dead body of a humanoid and that of a cow-like creature. Investigating, they are attacked by a fungus on the western wall of the cavern which shoots thorn-like darts out at them. They destroy the fungus, but by this time they are down on spells and hit points. Looting the body of the humanoid, they find a very well made sword, 2 small vials filled with a whitish-liquid and 200 gold pieces. They finish mapping out the edges of the cavern and decided to head back up to the northeast square tower to rest and recuperate.
Zamaksday, Nevra 1, Year 1103
The party heads back down to the natural cavern, deciding to map out the interior. In the sourthern half, they run into a group of what look to be five bison, except that their eyes are milky-white and their coats are chalk-white. The party approach the bison, which then charge them. The party kills one of the bison, drives another one off, and the other three simply charge through the group. Elkin is badly hurt and the party takes him back to the north tower to recuperate.
In attendance:
Demarasaday, Nevra 2, Year 1103 Ilcon and Fellwyr have the mid-watch. When it comes time for the third watch, no one wakes them up. They wake up after sunrise and discover that Ilcon and Fellwyr have disappeared, with all the personal belonging they carried on them. Paeder, the mule, is still present. The party searches the keep from top to bottoom. Jeroen Pratt spends about an hour down in the cellar library, looking for references to any similar problem. When he returns, he finds a mysterious note at the bottom of his pack: ![]() Aelwyn doubts the validity of the note. After much discussion, the party heads back to Westlake to reequip themseleves Haradsday, Nevra 4, Year 1103 The party arrives back at Westlake at around mid-morning, the return trip being uneventful. The analyze the two vials of liquid and determine they are potions of Cure Light Wounds, Level One. They sell the non-magical loot at Oddrick's leaving a share for Fellwyr and Ilcon on their accounts at Oddrick's (103 gp for Fellwyr and 102 gp for Ilcon. They find out from Oddrick that Fellwyr's cousin is in town. The party goes to speak to Fellwyr's cousin. He is rather disturbed by Fellwyr's disappearance. He looks at the mysterious note and immediately says that it is not Fellwyr's writing, saying that Fellwyr had an incredibly graceful hand and that when he bothered to write anything down, it was very pleasing aesthetically. After questioning the party, Fellwyr's cousin leaves to inform his family of his disappearance. Arratsday, Nevra 5, Year 1103 Aelwyn and Jeroen speak to the town magistrate regarding who legally owns Ardivan's Keep. The magistrate says that he does not know; technically it is outside of the boundary of the kingdom. The party spends a great deal of time equipping themselves and late in the day, they head out, back to the keep planning to establish themselves there on a more permanent basis. Tamorsday, Nevra 6, Year 1103 The trip is uneventful during the day, but at night both Jeroen and Aelwyn dream of a great yellow eye in the heavens staring down to the west of the them. They believe it was looking at the keep. Zamaksday, Nevra 8, Year 1103 The group arrives at the keep without incident. They spend the entire day fortifying the northern tower, adding a lock to the door, which Jeroen had brought with him, and building a crude (very crude) stable for Paeder. They spend the night in the north tower. Demarasday, Nevra 9, Year 1103 The party heads down through the cellars and down the spiral stairs to the first level of the dungeon. Instead of the room they were expecting, they find themselves in a 30' x 30' room facing a couple of medium-sized rat-like humanoids.