When developing Access databases, one of the things I have noticed I have sometimes needed to do is to store information about the database itself in key/value. Some examples:
The date the database was last accessed
The date and time an import routine was last run
User preference information
There are a lot of ways to store this information, e.g. in the Registry, in an .ini table. My preferred way of storing it would be a standard Access table, but they aren't really set up for storing data this manner. The way I worked around this is I created two routines - one to store key/value data in a predefined table, and one to read it back at out.
The subroutine StoreDBInfo takes two inputs - a key name and a value. It stores that information in tblDB_Info. The function GetDBInfo has a single input - the key name and it outputs the value for that specific key. If no value was stored, it raises an error.
For examples, the following code:
Public Sub Test()
StoreDBInfo "User Name", "Matt Harris"
MsgBox (GetDBInfo("User Name"))
End Sub
creates a Key of "User Name" in tblDB_Info and stores the value of "Matt Harris" next to it. It then reads that Value stored with that Key and pops up a msgbox with that value:
In order to use these routines in Access:
Create a new module in Access.
Copy the "Key/Value Lookup code" below into that module.
Run the routine CreateDBInfoTableonce. It creates the table "tblDB_Info".
Call StoreDBInfo with appropriate inputs when you wish to store data.
Call GetDBInfo with the appropriate key to read the data back out.
'---------------Key/Value Lookup code----------------
'The following code uses DAO, so make sure that under Tools | References
'you have "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" checked, or
'whatever is the appropriate version for your vesion of Access.
'If you have ADO also checked, make sure the DAO reference comes first
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const DB_Info_Table As String = "tblDB_Info"
Public Sub StoreDBInfo(KeyID As String, KeyValue As Variant)
On Error GoTo Error_Label
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim KeyType As Integer
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(DB_Info_Table, dbOpenDynaset)
rst.FindFirst "[KeyID]='" & KeyID & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then 'If Key is not found, add it
End If
KeyType = VarType(KeyValue)
rst.Fields!KeyID = KeyID
rst.Fields!KeyValue = CStr(KeyValue)
rst.Fields!KeyType = KeyType
If Not IsEmpty(rst) Then rst.Close
Exit Sub
MsgBox (Err.Number & Err.Description)
On Error GoTo 0
Resume Exit_Label
End SubPublic Function GetDBInfo(KeyID As String) As Variant
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim KeyType As Integer
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(DB_Info_Table, dbOpenDynaset)
rst.FindFirst "[KeyID]='" & KeyID & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
Set rst = Nothing
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, , "No such Key ID."
KeyType = rst.Fields!KeyType
Select Case KeyType
Case vbNull
GetDBInfo = Null
Case vbInteger
GetDBInfo = CInt(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbLong
GetDBInfo = CLng(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbSingle
GetDBInfo = CSng(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbDouble
GetDBInfo = CDbl(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbCurrency
GetDBInfo = CCur(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbDate
GetDBInfo = CDate(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbString
GetDBInfo = rst.Fields!KeyValue
Case vbError
GetDBInfo = CVErr(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbBoolean
GetDBInfo = CBool(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbDecimal
GetDBInfo = CDec(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case vbByte
GetDBInfo = CByte(rst.Fields!KeyValue)
Case Else
Set rst = Nothing
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 2, , "Invalid data type in GetDBInfo."
End Select
End If
If Not IsEmpty(rst) Then rst.Close
End Function'The following subroutine only needs to be run once
'It creates the table "tblDB_Info" which is used by the routines
'StoreDBInfo and GetDBInfoPublic Sub CreateDBInfoTable()
On Error GoTo Err_Label
Dim SQL As String
SQL = SQL & "KeyValue MEMO, KeyType INTEGER Not Null);"
Exit Sub
If Err.Number <> 3010 Then
MsgBox (Err.Number & " " & Err.Description)
Resume Next
Else '3010 means table already exists
Resume Next
End If
End Sub
Created on ... March 21, 2004
Last Modified ... April 10, 2004