While I was working yesterday, I had a sudden realization that the original Star Trek has a lot in common with Harry Potter. Specifically, I was thinking about the trio of Harry, Hermione and Ron and it dawned on me that they, and the dynamics of their relationships, are very similar to Kirk, Spock and McCoy.
Harry and Kirk are the leaders of their respective groups. The are often impulsive and intuitive, with a tendency to “think outside of the box.” Hermione and Spock are the intellectuals. While both have emotions, their primary attributes are their knowledge, intellect and logic. Ron and Dr. McCoy are the emotive ones of the bunch. They are not unintelligent, but their passions and emotions are what drive them, not reason or logic.
Not only the characters are alike, but their interactions are very similar. Spock and McCoy often have arguments over the correct course of action to take, each attempting to sway Kirk to his point of view. McCoy often complains about Spock being cold and unfeeling and at times professes to hate Spock’s logic. Spock, in turn, expresses disdain over McCoy’s excessive emotionalism. It seems to me that the frequent arguments between Ron and Hermione show the same sort of conflict between emotion and logic, even if the characters don’t express it as such.
Now if I can only work this to show that Harry/Hermione is “The One True ‘Ship” … 😉
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