Hard to believe it has been over a year since the last post.
Anyway, I received my miniatures from the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter. Surprised me when I got them, as I had totally forgotten about them.
Interesting that one of them is clearly Happs Bydon from the Kingmaker Adventure Path

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Some more fanfic recommendations:
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I purchased a Standard Case of Pathfinder Battles: Rise of the Runelords miniatures and it arrived last Tuesday. I finally got the chance to catalogue everything today to see what I had really gotten.
I received 128 miniatures. Out of the 61 small, medium and large miniatures in in the set, I received at least one of everything, except for Jaagrath Kreeg. Paizo didn’t promise a 100% chance of getting one of each, so I can’t complain. Missing just one isn’t that bad.
Overall, this is very nice set of miniatures. Some comments on specific minis and very minor quibbles:
- One of the Orik Vancaskerkin minis came loose from the base when I unpackaged it. One of the Forgefiends on had one foot attached to its base. Fortunately, this was all easily correctable with a little glue.
- I initially mistook the Yeth Hounds for Goblin Dogs; while the miniatures are different the color is identical. The might have added spots or something to one of them or colored them differently.
- One of the Shalelu Andosana minis has a Bugbear Hero base. When I first looked at it, I thought, “That is one funny looking bugbear.”
- I think the best looking of the bunch are the Ogre Brutes. These are gorgeously detailed and colored.
- The Stone Golem’s face looks more like that of an undead creature. I think this could easily double for a flesh golem.
- All of the Large miniatures are exquisitely molded, but a lot of them could use more color: the Stone Giant, Stone Giant Champion, Dire Bear and Yeti are almost monochromatic. The Forgefiend is pretty much single-colored too, but transparent amber-like center and incredible molding more than make up for that.
A Picture Of The Miniatures |
The Miniatures List |
- 4 Bugbear Hero
- 2 Goblin Commando
- 2 Goblin Dog
- 2 Goblin Warchanter
- 2 Kobold Champion
- 3 Faceless Stalker
- 2 Ghoul
- 3 Harpy
- 3 Ogrekin
- 3 Yeth Hound
- 2 Denizen of Leng
- 3 Redcap
- 3 Sinspawn
- 2 Sinspawn Axeman
- 2 Skinsaw Cultist
- 2 Alu-Demon
- 3 Lamia Kuchrima
- 2 Shining Child
- 3 Warrior of Wrath
- 4 Wraith
- 3 Goblin Commando on Goblin Dog
- 2 Jakardros Sovark
- 2 Lyrie Akenja
- 2 Ameiko Kaijitsu
- 2 Harsk, Dwarf Ranger
- 2 Lamia Matriarch
- 3 Malfeshnekor
- 3 Orik Vancaskerkin
- 3 Tsuto Kaijitsu
- 3 Vale Temros
- 3 Kaven Windstrike
- 3 Khalib
- 2 Ogre
- 4 Ogre Brute
- 1 Seoni, Human Sorcerer
- 2 Shalelu Andosana
- 2 Viorian Dekanti
- 2 Dire Bear
- 3 Stone Giant
- 2 Stone Giant Champion
- 1 Vraxeris
- 3 Lamia
- 2 Wendigo
- 3 Yeti
- 1 Aldern Foxglove
- 0 Jaagrath Kreeg
- 1 Lucrecia
- 1 The Scribbler
- 1 The Skinsaw Man
- 1 Highlady Athroxis
- 1 The Mithral Mage
- 1 Runelord Karzoug
- 1 Stone Golem
- 2 Azaven
- 1 Lamatar Bayden
- 2 Mokmurian
- 2 Forgefiend
- 1 Nualia
- 1 Warchief Ripnugget
- 1 Young Red Dragon
Just clearing the browser tabs of fanfiction that I am reading, so posting the links here:
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Finally got around to posting the June 15, 2012 Recap.
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The 26th game session of the Northridge Pathfinder Group took place last Friday. The recap is posted here: May 25, 2012 Recap.
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Our Northridge Pathfinder Game game is a little more infrequent, but we are still going. Another pathfinder recap posted, this time for the April 27, 2012 gaming session.
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Posted the recap of the March 30, 2012 session of the Northridge Pathfinder Game.
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Posted the recap of the March 9, 2012 session of the Northridge Pathfinder Game. An interesting session – all roleplay, no combat.
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Posted the recap of the February 3, 2012 session of the Northridge Pathfinder Game.
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