The previous guestbook was being overwhelmed with spam, so I disabled it many years ago. Part of the site upgrade plan was to redo the guestbook as a WordPress Page, as Spam Karma 2 manages to deal with all of the spam quite nicely.
Creating the page was easy enough, and I was getting it. The difficulty was in linking it properly on the navbar. When I clicked on the navbar link, the entire site would end up nesting inside the main frame, doubling up the navbar:
For a long time, I thought this was due to the javascript file I used to make sure the navbar showed up. Turns out it wasn’t – I fixed it by simply having the link target “_parent” as opposed to the main frame.
One more mystery solved. Eventually, I want to get rid of the frames entirely. They are a legacy of the days when this site was strictly static HTML. Still, that is a task for another day.
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