Fic Title: Runaway Trains At 3 A.M.
Author: C. L. Kamnikar
Links: Runaway Trains At 3 A.M. on Chaos Horizons, Runaway Trains At 3 A.M. on
Content: PG
Status: Complete
Rating: E-Excellent
Fic Title: Lines of Communication
Author: C. L. Kamnikar
Links: Lines of Communication on Chaos Horizons, Lines of Communication on
Content: PG
Status: Complete
Rating: E-Excellent
I haven’t found any really good Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and Smallville crossovers (I have found quite a few bad ones) except for Runaway Trains At 3 A.M. and its sequel, Lines of Communication. These two fics are wonderful. I don’t want to give away the plot, but the first story starts with Dawn Summers and Clark Kent meeting ny chance in a bus station in Denver.
Both stories are very well written. The interaction between Dawn and Clark seems incredibly natural and their with the other characters in the stories is also totally in character. We don’t see much of the supernatural/out-of the ordinary in the stories, but what there is just seems totally logical – C.L. Kamnikar blends both the Buffeyverse and Smallville universe together really well.
Two excellent fics – I just wish C. L. Kamnikar would write a third in the series.
It cute I think there should be more stories of Dawn and Clark and a lot more serious cause I LOVE Buffy and Smallville and Buffy is know longer on TV and I have to get my “kicks” somewere! And to be honset there isn’t enough Buffy and Smallville love stories, I all so like Charmed I think a charmed and Smallville would be “Kick-ass.”
Just found these two jems today, absolutely love them, I would love to see more Dawn & Clark fics, especially ones with a romantic nature, Would love to see how Buffy would deal with clark dating her baby sister (espeical as if she try to hit him she would probably end up breaking her hand).