Dungeons And Dragons

System Resource Document
Reference Sheets
Cormaria Campaign
Gizmist Main Class
Prestige Classes
1530s Europe Campaign

One of my major hobbies is face-to-face role-playing games. I have archived here some of the stuff I or friends of mine have created or modified. Most of the text items here were created in OpenOffice and then converted to PDF. Occasionally, other tools were used and this will be so stated in those cases. All not-html and uncommon graphic format files will be zipped.

Some tools I use for maps are AutoRealm and DungeonCrafter.

System Resource Documents

I am in the process of converting the System Resource Documents 3.5 into more readable (and prettier) formats. Currently, I have most of the 3.5 basic rules in one document labeled SRD 3.5 Rules. This contains all the content of the following SRD documents:

Basics.rtf Races.rtf ClassesI.rtf
ClassesII.rtf PrestigeClasses.rtf NPCClasses.rtf
Feats.rtf SkillsI.rtf SkillsII.rtf
Description.rtf EpicLevels.rtf Equipment.rtf
SpecialMaterials.rtf CarryingandExploration.rtf Traps.rtf
Treasure.rtf CombatI.rtf CombatII.rtf
AbilitiesandConditions.rtf WildernessandEnvironment.rtf Planes.rtf
MagicOverview.rtf SpellListI.rtf SpellListII.rtf

Note: the index is incomplete. Download SRD 3.5 Rules in OpenOffice Format or in PDF format.

I have combined the Magic Item sections of the 3.5 SRD into their own document. The document contains these files:


For various reasons, mostly having to do with tables, I did the Magic Items SRD in Word 2000 format (and not OpenOffice.org Writer) and then converted it to PDF format. Both files are zipped.

I have put together a table showing which character class has access to which skills. It may be found in OpenOffice.org spreadsheet format and and in PDF format.

Reference Sheets

Weapons, Armor and Equipment Reference Sheet (PDF)

Magic Item Compendium Alphabetical Item Index

Cormaria Campaign

I am a member of the Valley Area Gamers, a role-playing group that meets every other week in the San Fernando Valley. One of the campaigns I ran for this group was a home-brew 3.5E Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I have posted some of the campaign documents below:

Cormaria Player's Guide in OpenOffice or PDF format.

Guide to the Kingdom Of Domas in OpenOffice or PDF format.

Map of the Kingdom of Domas in PNG or Autorealm format.

Cormarian Calendar covering years 1103 to 1105 I.F. in OpenOffice or PDF format.

A summary of the events that have taken place in the campaign are detailed in a campaign log.

A map of the ground level of Ardivan's Keep may be found here.

1530s Europe Campaign

I am currently playing in a campaign set in Europe in the 1530s. As part of the campaign, I have created several "in character" session recaps, which I have posted here.

Letter recapping the March 30, 2007 session.

Journal entry recapping the April 13, 2007 session.

Report to Captain of town of Armeni recapping the April 27, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the May 11, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the May 25, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the June 8, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the June 22, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the July 20, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the August 3, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the August 17, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the August 31, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the September 14, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the September 28, 2007 session.

Letter and journal entries covering the November 17, 2007 session.

Journal entries covering the December 7, 2007 session.

Gizmist Main Class

A friend of mine, Tony Rosten, has created a 3.0/3.5 gadgeteer core class, called a Gizmist. I have posted it here in HTML and Microsoft Word 2000 format. Note: the HTML version was created by word. I will pretty it up sometime in the future, as time permits.

Prestige Classes

One of the characters I am playing in the 1530's Europe campaign is a wizard who makes a lot of machinery: watches, clocks, mill, etc. As I didn't see any really appropriate prestige classes out there, I created a five-level Machine Mage prestige class for him.


The Island of The Wizard Meru
Here is a 1st level 3.0 adventure I created. I put the party together by having a mad wizard (a Dr. Moreau takeoff) kidnap everyone in order to experiement on them. Maps are in PNG format, text documents provided in PDF and Openoffice format.

Download The Island of The Wizard Meru in OpenOffice format or PDF format. Download the maps.

The Sacrifice of Toram
Another 3.0 adventure I wrote for a 6th level party. The party had to preven a mummy cleric from sacrificing an elderly high-priest of Helius named Toram to the demon Lohesh.

Download The Sacrifice of Toram in OpenOffice format or PDF format. Download the maps.