I am slowly working on upgrading the site, so the paginate plugin is disabled. In addition, there may be some outages in the future (for the weblog piece only) until the upgrade is complte.
Update: The site upgrade is complete. I have upgraded from WordPress 1.2 to 2.06. With the addition of the Bad Behavior plugin and some of the WordPress changes, hopefully I won’t see nearly as much comment spam.
Update 2: I spoke too soon. WordPress changed the way permalinks worked and it screwed up access to individual posts. Fixed, I believe.
We now return to our regularly scheduled lack of posting…
Actually, I plan on posting more frequently; that was one of the reasons for upgrading.
Comments Off on Site UpgradeRecently, I had the need to find the active control on a UserForm for a dialog box I was creating for Word 2003. The problem was that most of my controls were on a MultiPage control. Whenever the active control was on the MultiPage, UserForm.ActiveControl returned the MultiPage, not the control I wanted.
My solution was to write the following function, GetActiveControl which would essentially ignore MultiPages and Frames to return the “real” active control:
Public Function GetActiveControl(ByRef Source As UserForm) As Control
Dim Ctl As Control
Set Ctl = GetSubActiveControl(Source.ActiveControl)
Set GetActiveControl = Ctl
End Function
Private Function GetSubActiveControl(Ctl As Control) As Control
Dim CtlType As String
CtlType = TypeName(Ctl)
Select Case CtlType
Case "MultiPage"
Set Ctl = Ctl.SelectedItem.ActiveControl
Set Ctl = GetSubActiveControl(Ctl)
Case "Frame"
Set Ctl = Ctl.ActiveControl
Set Ctl = GetSubActiveControl(Ctl)
End Select
Set GetSubActiveControl = Ctl
End Function
As you can see, I use a private recursive function to do the real work of finding the control. I suppose I could have done it some other way, but this seemed to be the most straightforward.
One commentIs this thing still on? Seems like I haven’t updated in ages. My D&D campaign is kaput, so I am trying to figure out what exactly to do with the site.
Anyway, during my never-ending voyages through the web, I came across the following gem. I’ve seen PCs do some stupid things, but never quite like this. It is about 10 years old, but I had never seen it before so I’d thought I’d share:
Comments Off on Most Stupid Gamers EverRich Flickstein joined the group, playing the Human Fighter Kreiger Smith. The campaign log is here.
Comments Off on March 11, 2006 Campaign Log PostedThe campaign log for last session is here.
Comments Off on February 25, 2006 Campaign Log PostedA new player, Paul Graham, joined the campaign. He plays the Elven Bard Bazese Al’Goman. The campaign log is here.
Comments Off on January 28, 2006 Campaign Log PostedAfter several months absence, mostly due to the holidays, the Cormarian campaign resumed on January 7, 2006. The campaign log is here here.
One commentI have posted the campaign log for the October 29th session of the Cormarian campaign.
One commentI have finally got around to posting the campaign log for the October 15th session of the Cormarian campaign.
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